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Business efficacy
Data over claims
Candidate Experience
Gry kompetencyjne to sprawdzone testy kompetencji
w formie gier komputerowych.
Łatwo włączysz je do swoich projektów rekrutacyjnych. Kandydat automatycznie otrzyma zaproszenie do gry.
Po jej zakończeniu, będzie mógł pobrać indywidualny raport
ze wskazówkami pomocnymi w dalszym rozwoju.
Ty uzyskasz cenną wiedzę o kompetencjach kandydatów i wybierzesz najlepszych.

Wypełnij formularz, by otrzymać link do demo jednej z naszych gier.
Przejście przez skróconą wersję rozgrywki pozwoli Ci wcielić się na chwilę w rolę kandydata.
Zobaczysz, jak taka gra wygląda, i jak przebiega proces pomiaru kompetencji.
Przekonasz się, że to produkt, który pozytywnie wyróżni Twój proces rekrutacyjny.
Nasi klienci o Competence Game:

"In our opinion, the Competence Game is a reliable assessment tool."
Discovering your employees’ competencies
Mercedes-Benz applied our competency analysis to devise profiles for positions in their car showrooms. This helped them gain insight into what type of employee they should be looking for.

"Polecamy współpracę z zespołem ekspertów Competence Game,
jak i z samym narzędziem"
Developing your management team

"Z pełnym przekonaniem
polecamy rzetelność
i profesjonalizm narzędzia"
Finding the right people for your sales team
Algorytm zaszyty w pełnej wersji gry obserwuje nie tyle wynik rozgrywki, co poszczególne zachowania graczy.
This allows for a reliable evaluation of as many as 5 competencies grouped in 2 areas:

Active engagement in carrying out tasks, as well as trying to solve problems independently. Making decisions within one’s scope of responsibility, accountability for both the positive and negative consequences of one’s actions.
Self-reliance, initiative, engagement
The player takes action on their own initiative, within the scope of their responsibility. They react as soon as they notice the need for their input, without waiting to be asked. They understand their own goals and actively work towards them.
aż zostanie o to poproszona. Prawidłowo rozumie swoje cele
i aktywnie je realizuje.
Decision-making, taking responsibility for consequences
The player makes decisions promptly and on time, even when such decisions are difficult, unpopular, or carry risks.

Full understanding of one’s role within the organization, skillful balancing one’s more immediate goals (individual and team goals) with the goals of the organization as a whole. Taking proactive steps leading to more cohesion and efficiency within the organization.
Goal alignment and loyalty
The player knows and understands their own role within the organization, as well as the roles of other people and departments. They prioritize the general goal (that of the team, department, or company) over their individual goal.
Inviting teamwork, integration around common goals
The player engages in cooperative work within their team, department, or company willingly and of their own initiative.
Offering help and creating a supportive environment
The player offers help whenever they notice that others might need it.
Wypełnij formularz i otrzymaj bezpłatne demo ClusterMind Competence Game

(c) Salander Sp.z.o.o, ul. Puławska 39/61, Warsaw, Poland | contact@competencegame.com