Modern recruitment:
let competencies decide.
Forget long hit-or-miss recruitment processes.
With reliable and attractive online recruitment games, you can evaluate your candidates’ competencies and attract talent!
Our competence games in action

"In our opinion, the Competence Game is a reliable assessment tool."
Discovering your employees’ competencies
Mercedes-Benz applied our competency analysis to devise profiles for positions in their car showrooms. This helped them gain insight into what type of employee they should be looking for.

"We can recommend working with the Competence Game team of experts and their assessment tool."
Developing your management team

"We wholeheartedly recommend the tool for its reliability and the Competence Game team for their professionalism"
Finding the right people for your sales team
Discovering your employees’ competencies
Mercedes-Benz applied our competency analysis to devise profiles for positions in their car showrooms. This helped them gain insight into what type of employee they should be looking for.
Developing your management team
Metlife use Competence Game in internal recruitment for managerial positions in their sales network. They also apply competency analysis to recruitment for their talent pool program.
Finding the right people for your sales team
Credit Agricole used Competence Game when recruiting employees for their branches, which helped them increase candidate engagement in the recruitment process and enhance candidate experience.
Less hours of work on assessment
Positive candidates' experience
Shorter recruitment process
High attendance
How can your organization make the best use of online competency analysis?
Discover our online competence games

Client service, sales, and process management
This game measures competencies valuable for sales, working with clients, and more: organizing and prioritizing one’s tasks, process planning, and data application.
A perfect aid when recruiting for positions where goal orientation and understanding client needs are key. This also applies to working with internal clients and inter-team collaboration.
Archipelago Competence Game measures 12 competencies grouped into 3 areas:
— Defining and achieving goals
— System thinking
— Customer orientation

Teamwork, delegating and sharing tasks, and creating a common goal
ClusterMind Competence Game measures competencies crucial for people who work in a team or manage one. It is particularly useful in working environments where teamwork is essential for efficiency and success.
ClusterMind Competence Game measures 5 competencies grouped into 2 areas:
— Taking responsibility
— Collaboration in the organization
Archipelago Competence Game measures 12 competencies grouped into 3 areas:
— Defining and achieving goals
— System thinking
— Customer orientation
ClusterMind Competence Game measures 5 competencies grouped into 2 areas:
— Taking responsibility
— Collaboration in the organization
Client recommendations
Jan Wojciak
“The development of our product requires the entire department to score high in competencies such as goal orientation and client support. This is why I decided to implement the Competence Game evaluation for my team. The generated reports showed the areas in which my team already feels confident, and those which could be developed further. With Competence Game, not only can I select development paths for specific members of my team, but I also know what profiles to look for in prospective employees to best increase our sales.”
Kasia Kalinko
“I had the opportunity to participate in a Competence Game virtual assessment during one of our projects. The report I received provided me with useful tips on how to effectively develop my abilities. Just one game helped me recalibrate the way I thought about personal development, which contributed to finding a clearer direction in my professional life.”
Bartosz Burek
“With the Competence Game, I experienced engaging gameplay and personal business skill assessment in one. Afterwards, I received a report which provided a breakdown of my strengths and areas in which I could seek improvement. I encourage you to try the Competence Game if you would like to evaluate your competencies and develop the business you manage.”
Competence Game in numbers
assessed participants
certified partners
up to 94%
evaluated competencies

We started utilizing the Competence Game tool in 2019. Since then, it has been played by hundreds of people. Competence Game lets us quickly and effectively assess crucial competencies in our future Team Leads, identify existing competence gaps, and select the right development and training steps.
We also use Competence Game to help select candidates for our internal management competencies development program. The results of this program showcase the tool’s business efficacy. Managers with high competencies recruit proactive and productive agents.
Krzysztof Tatarzyński, Learning and Development Expert, MetLife
Data over claims
Business efficacy
Outstanding Candidate Experience
Data over claims
Assess your candidates’ competencies directly instead of relying solely on their claims. Our evaluation is based on decisions, actions, and actual skills.
Our measurements have a high degree of reliability. Game results are comparable to results obtained using Assessment Center and Development Center. Assessment Center & Development Center.
Convenient reports and breakdowns will help you select the right candidates quickly and objectively.
Use the opportunity to assess a total of 17 competencies to help you make the right selection.
Business efficacy
Our competency tool is scalable to ensure efficiency even in large-scale recruitment.
The HR Panel ensures quick and easy use, allowing you to track your candidates’ results and generate reports. This helps save time and increase efficiency of the recruitment process.
Using a reliable competency assessment will protect you from wrong and costly employment decisions.
After completing the game, the participant receives detailed and comprehensive feedback about their competencies – the kind of concrete information candidates expect and hope for.
Recruitment in the form of an online game is highly popular among candidates. It piques curiosity, increases willingness to engage, and overall contributes to a positive experience in the recruitment process and a perception of the brand as modern and innovative.
Candidates also appreciate the opportunity to play the recruitment game remotely, at their preferred time of day.
Candidate Experience
Use our games in your recruitment process!

Step 1
Contact a Certified Partner who will advise you on how to best utilize Competence Game in your organization.
Step 2
Launch the assessment. It’s very easy – add a player list, your logo, and the contents of the invitation email. A link to the game will be sent to the participants automatically.

Step 3
Receive individual reports with information on each candidate’s competencies. Don’t forget about group reports which come in a form of a convenient breakdown including all candidates’ profiles. Gain reliable data which will help you make the right employment decisions.